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What to Expect from Your Game Console in 2014

This year, you will have a lot of video game opportunities waiting for you throughout the months. Not only will the PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U have games coming out for it, but there will also be games coming out for the previous generation consoles of the PS3 and Xbox 360. There will be exclusives, multiplatform games, and a variety of downloadable titles that you can choose from. Below is what you can expect from your favorite consoles this year. So if you have an Xbox or PS3 repair that needs to be done, you might want to get to it sooner than later.

PlayStation 4


The PS4 has reached an amazing amount of success in terms of having millions of people purchase it so far. Without even being out on the market for a year, the console has already reached a sales number of 5 million, and it is continuing to be sold. There are several games coming out to the console. For example, fans of the Infamous series, will love Infamous: Second Son and following the adventures of a new character in a very familiar world. The game to buy for this console is clearly Infamous, and you will be missing out if you don’t pick up this title.

PlayStation 3


The PlayStation 3 has several games coming out for it, and despite the next installment being released, there are many adventures you can find for your console. Tons of RPGs, such as South Park: The Stick of Truth, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD are available on this console. If you are into epic adventures, then the PS3 may be the console for you to focus on in 2014.

Xbox One


Just as the PlayStation 4 has Infamous, there is one game that is coming to Xbox One that people can’t help but ignore, and that is Titanfall. Imagine your favorite first person shooter game, and put in giant fighting robots, wall running, and awesome guns. Combine all of that and you have one of the most anticipated games of 2014. This game could easily be the one to topple Call of Duty and other shooter games out there by introducing new mechanics and new ways to play that haven’t been explored before. If the multiplayer in the beta is as good as it seems to be, and the campaign is just as great, then the FPS world may have a new titan.

Wii U


The Wii U has been experiencing a lot of sales issues since its release, and with the two consoles from Sony and Microsoft coming out to compete against it the Wii U seems to be in a lot of trouble. Surprisingly enough, despite the trouble that the Wii U is in there are still some highly anticipated games coming out for it this year. The two titles that many Nintendo and gaming fans are looking forward to playing are Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Brothers. These are titles that follow Nintendo consoles each generation, and they are shaping up to be quite the amazing looking titles.

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