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VideoGame911 and RefurbishSystem can be found weekly at the New Meadowlands Market

The New Meadowlands Flea Market is located in The Meadowlands Sports Complex, Plaza J, East Rutherford, New Jersey and is dedicated to bringing you a wonderful shopping and buying experience.

Open Saturdays, Special Event Days and Holidays from 8 AM to 4 PM, you will find hundreds of merchandise vendors along with delicious food, free entertainment and games. As always admission and parking are FREE.

So if you like our products and want to save a bundle on the newest hardware and software for today's video game console systems, come visit our booth at space 1142 every Saturday as long as the weather is cooperating you will find us there.

The Meadowlands Sports Complex is conveniently located where Route 3 and the New Jersey Turnpike meet, easily accessible to all major highways. Additionally, there is Bus and Train Service available from New York City and New Jersey. Come visit us at The New Meadowlands Market... where bargain shopping is at its best!

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