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Nostalgia or New We Have it All


If you, a family member or friend are in need of some Playstation 4 repairs, you might want to get that done quick, because there is a wonderful selection of hotly anticipated new titles and 'everything old is new again' classics. From Lego to long jumping, Playstation 4 fans will have something to pique their interest.

First up we have Thief, a game which revolutionized, and some would say created, the stealth genre. It is being reimagined for current generation technology and we can only imagine what that will mean in terms of game play, and most assuredly graphics. Garret has definitely never looked better. Along with Thief we also have Rayman, another classic being given an HD facelift. Are those Playstation 4 repairs starting to sound necessary yet?

Even if these titles aren't necessarily your cup of tea, there's no denying that some of the Renaissance era classics are going to make a strong showing in the current generation. However, like most things in the gaming industry, this has also been the subject of some discussion amongst fans, often very heated discussion. On the one hand, there are those who see the constant reimagining and HD upgrades of classic games as a sign that there really is very little creativity left in the industry. After all, why work hard to invent something new when you know you can make money by updating something that's already been done? That same discussion can be spun back into the conversation about Next Gen consoles in general. Why do we bother investing millions of dollars in research and development money into machines just for playing updated versions of games that existed years, and sometimes even decades, earlier? Thankfully, though, there is also another segment of fandom that, while acknowledging that the loss of backward compatibility in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era seems like a shameless money grab, also can deny the nostalgia of having some of their favorite titles available on the machines being played today. Combining those two All-Star classics, with the overwhelming and frankly surprising popularity of the Lego game franchise, which also has two new entries coming in the next several months, there is a lot for PlayStation for owners to look forward to, no matter what their tastes are.

However, they can't enjoy the new releases if their PlayStation 4 doesn't want to work. Thus, when you need repairs and you want them done fast and with skill, we're your answer. Contact us today and see how we can help you.

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