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Pinball machines making a comeback!

Pinball making a comeback!

Just the other day, a father and son came into our showroom and saw we sell new and old pinball machines.  The dad immediately asked if he could see what Pinball machines we had for sale.  Just then, his teenage son turned to him and said - Pinball?  What is that???  Wow, did I feel old for a second and then thought this kid needs an education on what these games are like and what they can do to capture the soul and draw players in.  His father turned to him and explained so eloquently, young "padiwan"... Pinball is a type of arcade game, usually coin-operated, in which points are scored by a player manipulating one or more steel balls on a play field inside a glass-covered cabinet called a pinball machine.  When his son asked why would anyone want to do that, he responded that the primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Points are earned when the ball strikes different targets on the play field. A drain is situated at the bottom of the play field, partially protected by player-controlled plastic bats called flippers. A game ends after all the balls fall into the drain. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning "extra balls" and keeping the ball in play as long as possible) and to earn bonus games (known as "replays").

Now his curiousity was clearly peeking and we then started showing the father and son duo our available machines. We started in the 1940's and went through the years up to todays newer machines.  He was fascinated and his father explained what age he was and where he saw and played many of the machine titles we had to show him from the 70's and 80's when he trolled arcades looking to unload some quarters into pinball machines.  Just then he spotted a pinball machine he wanted and said to his son, now here is a machine I have always wanted to own from when I played it as a teen just like you now son.  From then he took an immediate liking to the restored pinball machine and purchased it shortly after playing it again and reliving his glory days.  We delivered it a few weeks ago and he is now happily enjoying it with his son and their family and friends, proving that pinball once again can be family fun and enjoyable for all ages.  Can't find a pinball machine to play in your area?  Don't wonder, just contact NJPinball.com and come see our in store selection of vintage and new game machines ready for your home or business.  If you are curious and want to know more about pinball machines, just checkout this video posted by fox news recently or give us a call anytime for questions or to setup an appointment to try and buy a unit which is perfect for you.

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