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Broken PS3 HDMI port

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transmitting digital data. HDMI is undoubtedly the best connection on the market for connecting your video game console to a high definition TV. What do you do however, if you have a damaged HDMI port on your PS3 or xBox360? HDMI port damage can be caused by a number of different factors. A PlayStation 3 dropped when connected to an HDMI cable is probably the most common situation which can seriously damage an HDMI port. Other issues can be caused when the plastic internal frame breaks from plugging the cable in or if something jams inside of the HDMI port. A broken HDMI port can also be caused by the metal frame bending causing the cable to not make the correct contact with the console. From what we have seen, nobody wants to offer broken HDMI port repair due to the significant skill required to correctly make this repair possible. The HDMI port is integrated directly into the main motherboard of a video game console and the replacement part is very delicate, with specialized tools required and extremely skilled hands are absolutely necessary. We can guarantee that if you have never performed a repair like this that you will not be successful. Don't assume that a damaged HDMI port is the end of your PS3 console. With highly skilled technicians, VideoGame911 is the solution to broken HDMI ports on a PS3 or xBox360 console. VideoGame911 has a 99.9% success rate with damaged HDMI port replacements. Don't trash the unit, get all of your data back after VideoGame911 repairs your system. Why spend $$$ for a replacement console, when VideoGame911 can repair it and get you back to gaming quickly and for well under what a replacement console would cost. Don't be left with a system which cannot display HDMI output, go to VideoGame911 and they have a repair solution for your wrecked HDMI port.

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