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Come and enjoy a lights out challenge on a 32 square foot screen at VideoGame911

So you are on route 53 and bragging about how lethal you are in Gears of War 3 when your friend laughs and pulls into VideoGame911.com at 411 East Main Street (Route 53), Denville NJ 07834. You mouth WTF? as your friend drives up to the 8x4 foot outdoor screen right in the parking lot at VideoGame911.
That is right, VideoGame911 is hosting outdoor night playing on our screen. It has been called the lights out challenge by some of our guests, and we have been sending facebook requests to other gamers to challenge them to our new play arena. Come join us, challenge a friend and play for free on our screen. Just call us (646)415-8361 to register a spot on our screen any Thursday or Friday night and we will stay late to let you have some fun with our system, for free.
Bring any game you would like and a controller. We also have controllers and some games available. If you are interested in this event, click attend and call our store for more information. Challenge your friend and your enemies and have a great time hosted by VideoGame911.

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