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Senior Video Game Console Players Wanted For Postitive Emotional Relationship

Recent research has found that older adults show significant levels of happiness and emotional well being when they play video games. The study was completed by researchers from North Carolina State University. Polling 140 people, aged 63 and older, they studied how often they played video games, if at all and then they administered a list of tests which assessed the emotional and social well-being of each senior aged participant.

The results were 61 percent of senior participants reported that they played video games at least occasionally, with 35 percent of participants saying they played at least once per week. Researchers discovered participants who played video games, including those who only played occasionally, reported higher levels of happiness, or well-being after playing for any period of time with today's video game consoles. This is in contrast to the study which showed that those who did not play video games reported more negative emotions and a tendency toward higher levels of depression.

The research documents can be found online in Computers in Human Behavior researched by North Carolina University staff. As a result, experts believe the findings are important and should lead to future studies on the role of video games for improving the mental health of elders. “The research published here suggests that there a link between gaming and better well-being and emotional functioning,” said Jason Allaire, Ph.D., lead author of the paper.

So when asked by your grandma or grandpa to play, you should remember that they may gain considerably from the experience and the time you spend with them increasing their mental happiness. Just be aware that during a major fire fight playing Black Ops against grandpa that if your PS3 shows an error or your xBox system red lights you can always go to www.VideoGame911.com to check us out for console repairs.

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