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Improve your vision by playing Video Games

VideoGame911 eye treatmentRecently it has been proven that playing action video games boosts adult vision skills. Researchers have found that playing games improves the contrast sensitivity of adjust gamers. Contrast sensitivity is very important when adult eyes deal in poor visibility conditions such as driving at night. This is known to be the first aspect of vision to be affected by ageing. Additional conditions, khown as amblyopia or "lazy eye", also gain improvements from video game playing. Up until this research, these types of vision deficiencies have only been treated by eye surgery, advanced optics, or eye patch treatments which are very uncomfortable for the bearer.

A team of researchers studied game players vs non gamers and found that when playing games involving aiming and shooting they had improved contrast sensitivity as well as focus improvements. These improvements were sustained for months and years in cases suggesting that playing games helps the visual accuity of the gamer and would be a great excuse when anyone asks what you are doing playing so much. Just tell them, I am treating my eyes and helping to avoid age related macular degeneration. And certainly always remember that if your vision is improving while you are playing the latest Call of Duty mission and your system breaks; Don't panic, video game repairs are just a click away as VideoGame911.com can always provide repair options for every video game system failure. From error codes related to your Playstation 3 PS3, or xBox red light repairs, we handle them all and do it quickly so you can keep your eyes focused on finishing that final level.

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