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Refurbished Mario Bros


Recently we received a Mario Bros arcade game from a customer who wanted it completely restored. When the unit came to us, it was in sad condition cosmetically, with beat up graphics, faded paint, and significant wear and tear around the unit. Someone obviously had the unit on a route which received significant game play, and along the way someone must have had to break into the machine to get the quarters out of it.  Needless to say we were not surprised to turn on the machine and find it to have monitor failure as well as sound looping issues with the main system PCB to add to the list of work to accomplish.  That being said, it was needing some serious TLC to get it back to playing.  When the customer dropped it off, he wanted it to look as good as new so he could put it in his office and use it as a statement piece for his clients when they came to see his wares. VideoGame911 not only does video game electronics refurbishing, but we also have the necessary skills to take on the challenge of bringing the unit back to showroom condition.  The customer gave us two weeks to get the project done, and the staff at VideoGame911 got to work quickly to meet the customer expectations and time frame.

This is a before picture of the units control panel to demonstrate how rough the condition was.







And the after shots of the game two weeks later when the customer came to pickup the unit at our facility in Denville.







We are proud of our work to repair arcade machines at VideoGame911.  Just also remember that we are Pinball911.com and ready to help you get your pinball or arcade units repaired and refurbished quickly and accurately so you can be happy to know you are in good hands when working with us.

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